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What Trumps
Baseball Winning?
This One Thing is Bigger Than Wins

Tommy Davis baseball hitting swing.

Baseball winning is one of the main goals of playing the game. Winning baseball is especially important in the higher levels of high school baseball, college baseball and major league baseball.

In youth baseball, winning baseball games comes under another heading. 

Youth baseball players and organizations from age 14 and under should have more than winning as its goal. Yes, you compete and try play well in order to be in position to beat the other team. 

It just comes up against a more important component in the overall big picture in a ballplayers career. See, I don't want my players to know that I value something else ahead of winning.

In the player's minds baseball winning is important and I want them to know that. In my mind it is too. Only the players are not going to know what is really the most important factor in my baseball coaching approach. 

It Could Be Game-Over
What is the Most Important?

Baseball winning may do little to prepare baseball players for a long career in baseball.

Often the best 12 year old players on a winning team are long gone by the time they reach their junior and senior years in high school baseball.

Do you know why?

Unless baseball players produce more than winning baseball it could be game over. Coming out of the 12 year old leagues and jumping to the bigger fields can be very earth shattering for players. Winning goes out the window. It is now survival of the fittest.

Develping into a solid player takes several baseball seasons of proper player development instruction, coaching and teaching.

Which youth league team had the most wins in a season or a tournament is quickly forgotten. What is remembered after the games is not what team had the most wins in a baseball season, but how many ball players are still playing the game in high school baseball.

Everyone Wants a Baseball Win
Playing to Win is in Our DNA

Baseball Winning is a great feeling. Losing hurts a little bit. Part of the pleasure of enjoying the feeling of winning is to feel the pain of losing. Losing is not all bad.

Losing reveals a bunch of true character in each of our beings. How we are able to bounce back is a tremendous lesson. The sour taste of losing helps make us stronger and determined next time.

We need to fail at times to teach us the to make the adjustments and corrections to get back on track.

Youth league coaches don’t have to worry about your baseball win loss records. We have a much greater and more important job than just winning. 

Your plan has nothing to do with winning a 10 & U tournament in ten-buck-two somewhere. Does winning at 10& U really matter? I know what really matters and you should get to know what matters most at this age in baseball too.

Do you have a plan on how to keep your baseball players in the game? Look over and consider my in depth help for you to keep your players in the game maybe even to high school level.

You May Be a
'Win-At-All-Costs Coach' if...
Baseball Winning Checklist

Here is part of my extensive list for youth baseball coaches to check and reflect on where you might measure up in winning and losing. 

For more of my 27 or so check-offs on the list you should further investigate here.

You may be a win-at-all-costs coach if...

1. Your main objective is to win the league championship or the tournament.

2. Your players’ only value to you is to win baseball games, otherwise the players are seen as failures.

3. The only criterion for your team to ‘measure up’ is to win.

4. You only pitch your #1 and #2 pitchers all the time instead of developing a deep pitching staff.

Check out the rest of this winning-at-all-costs list here. 

How Many Baseball Wins in a Season
Does Anyone Remember?

Ask yourself, “How am I going to develop the most baseball players to reach high school baseball and do some baseball winning games along the way?”

Answer: By knowing how to help improve ballplayer's game. If you are not a professional baseball coach then you need some help. A little boost. Learn how to plan and implement player development minded systems. You might even win a few games along the way. 

Youth Baseball Home from Baseball Winning

Baseball Game Strategies
Incredible Guidebooks to Coach and play baseball

Baseball Impossible: Player Development Make-Over

Build Your Own Culture of Player Development
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6-DVD Video Set Building Your Complete Player Development System

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Coaching 6-DVD Box Set

Yes Dave, I Want to Help My Players Enjoy the GAME

Coaching little league baseball & youth baseball can be a blast or could be a  Tough Gig.

Who in their right mind would come back year after year and have teasing baseball practice and never improve their baseball skills? and get welled at by adults?

Baseball Coaching Videos:  Watch over 6 hours of tips on coaching approach, style, philosophy, and my unique player development system. 

Youth baseball carers are short-lived so lets make it count for our players. What do players really want out of playing baseball?

I want to find out more about the 6 DVD Player Development System

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Check out these vitally important eBooks to include in your coaching library.

"Time to Shine: My Baseball Coaches Practice System 7 Year Plan to Help Kids Reach HS Baseball

"Build Your Ultimate Culture of Hitting"

Take a look at all the coaching products that will make your coaching experience top of the line and help bring your player's enjoyment level much higher.

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