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Hi "This Ruins Most Youth Leagues" 'Swing It! Vol.120
March 20, 2014

This Ruins Most Youth Baseball Leagues

I came across this story about a sign that is posted at a youth league ballpark. It really makes a bunch of sense especially if you follow my writings.

The sign is posted on a suburban Chicago youth ballpark fence: "Of hundreds of thousands of children who have ever played youth sports in Buffalo Grove, very few have gone on to play professionally. It is highly unlikely that any college recruiters of professional scouts are watching these games; so let's keep it all about having fun and being pressure-free."

You know what ruins most youth baseball leagues? Yes, I think you do. It's those loud mouth parents. No, not you. Its the rest of these over-involved, over-competitive, win-at-all-costs type baseball parents.

What makes normally well mannered, calm, and collected level headed adults lose it at youth baseball games? I think the adults treat youth league baseball like a miniature major league or major college team. That is the only model that anybody knows how to use in sports.

Player development is never really mentioned or even on the radar screen. No one trains the trainers so how would we expect the dad and mom baseball coaches to really know how to operate as a player development model.

Epperson & Selleck wrote in their book, 'Beyond the Bleachers', "Youth sports should be a time for families to share some relaxing time with their friends and escape some of every day stresses of our daily lives."

Instead it is often the opposite. Winning and losing become the ultimate goal (along with playing time). The ride home becomes an absolute nightmare as dad and mom begin the play-by-play breakdown of the the games.

Visions of college and pro careers seep into the mindsets of parents across the land. In reality very few kids will ever play high school baseball much less any thing higher.

Parents: sit back, be quiet, and enjoy it! Tell your kids you really enjoyed watching and appreciate the effort they put out and you love them. Emphasize to them to try to be the best teammate possible. Then let it go.

Play some catch with your kids as much as possible!

My Coaches Letter to Parents

Throwing Impossible: Catch & Throw Make-Over

Why do baseball coaches shy away from coaching players when it comes to throwing?

I am taking a deep look into throwing. I have a new video in production to attack this problem.

I have a system to develop throwing and fostering a 'team culture' on your team that builds throwing into your team skills.

I always said, "players will go as far as their bat takes them." Well, it sure helps to be able to throw the ball accurately, hard, and get rid of it quickly, too. My throwing system will empower coaches and players to take throwing seriously.

Coaching Certification: Are We Ready to Certify Everyone?

If you have not had a chance:

Please take the survey from the American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA) to give us your input on your thoughts about coaching certification.

American Baseball Coaches Association Survey

Let me know what you think.


Dave Holt ABCA certification committee

Charleston, SC

Are You Ready for another season? New rookie coach? Veteran but need some new tricks? Baseball parent? Brush up with all four of my guidebooks for baseball coaches, players and parents.

Baseball Clinic Guidebooks for Sports Parents

Special Bundle Deal for all 4-eBooks

March 2014 Vol. 119 Additional Topics

Videos Coaching Baseball

Revolutionize Baseball Coaching - 3 DVD Set NOW HERE!

Our current player development system does not work nearly as well as it should.

Why? Too much emphasis on winning and not enough focus on training baseball players.

The 3-DVD's videos will give you and your entire youth baseball league a real live on-camera system to follow in order to properly approach youth baseball with the greatest return on investment.

JUST RELEASED 3-DVD Set Volume Series on How to Revolutionize Coaching Youth Baseball

A Virtual COACHING CLINIC on your own TV or DVD Player

DVD Video Topics in Brand New Player Development Series

Comments? Ideas, Feedback?

I’d love to hear form you . Just reply to this zine and tell what you think! I’m here to help where I can!

When you have a minute and want to know more check out my INFORMATIVE fabulous baseball coaching books...

Super Simple Guide to Coaching Youth Baseball
You Go As Far as Your Bat Takes You
Develop an Endless Supply of Pitchers

Until next time, Thanks for your service to Baseball!

Dave Holt
Baseball Development
Charleston, SC Coach & Play Baseball Home Page

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